Dada J. P. Vaswani - Cheti Chand message

My dear brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow is an important day especially for us Sindhis. It is the beginning of the Sindhi New Year. Every community, society has their own New Year. The Sindhi new year is Cheti Chand. I believe you will celebrate tomorrow with enthusiasm, do service, sing naam kirtan, have langar, and everyone will smile!

One year I had told the sangat - On the New Year's Day we wish each other a happy and healthy new year. We should actually wish everyone happy new you! Pyaro prabhu gives us another new opportunity to enter the new life - become new! become new!

What should I do to become new?

The first step is to have vishwaas / faith that God is running this entire sansaar and God is our father and our mother - everything that happens, happens as per the Will of God. God will not do anything to harm us. Every experience which comes from the spotless hands of God comes to elevate us. These experiences may appear to be difficult, but NO, every experience God sends us is to elevate us. Have a smile on your face, don't be sad!

Whatever God has done is for our good, whatever God is doing is for our good, and whatever God will do for us is for our good. Every experience takes us closer to God and we should accept each experience in this positive way. We will become New when we have faith.

A guru's special work is to make his devotees pass through experiences which kill the ego of his devotee. This is the real work of every guru. But guru only touches our ear (doesn't even pull our ears), we start screaming - save me, save me!

Every new year comes to teach us this lesson and if we learn this lesson, we have learnt much. Tomorrow is Cheti Chand, new year of Sindhis! This new year comes with the gift of faith, let us claim our share of faith. A person who has faith is a contented person (sukhi insaan).

A carpenter had worked hard for 10 years and built a furniture shop. He took a 10 days holiday and on his return he saw that his shop and home had been burnt. He was a man of faith - He took a bamboo stick put a cardboard on it and he wrote on the cardboard:

Shop burnt
Home burnt
Faith NOT burnt
Will start afresh tomorrow!

This faith is the treasure of each satsangi but we are slaves of ego and shaitaan (the devil) - and spiritual life is negated.

A saint prayed to God that an entire week has passed but you have not given me any experience which will break my ego - are you angry with me? We should look for such experiences to kill our egos. We instead relish to be in the glory of popularity. Always be happy with any experience which kills your ego.

A man came from Kashi and asked gurdev, Sadhu Vaswani - which sadhana did you do to reach this high level? Gurdev said, I didn't do any great sadhanas but I made sure that everytime my ego got inflated, I killed my ego!

Tomorrow is a big and auspicious day, get with your families and friends to celebrate Cheti Chand. I seek this gift from you all - bind your lives in this discipline of accepting every experience which God sends you with a smile!

Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani
Sadhu Vaswani Mission | Last updated: 16 April 2020